
Get to Know YOUR Network! Join the Conversation

An inclusive networking event for partners and non-partners.

Join us for our next networking event in partnership with The National Lottery Community Fund and hear how our partners ‘do business differently’ as usual, and deliver social and commercial growth throughout the UK.

Event topic: How are ANTZ network partners doing business differently to grow commercially and deliver Social Impact locally?

Event speakers:

  • Adam Farricker | CEO | HideOut Youth Zone;
  • Mandy West | Head of Corporate and Major Donor Fundraising | StreetGames.

* Please be aware that by booking to attend this event, you are consenting for your photo to be taken and used by ANTZ in the future.

** Please be aware that by booking to attend this event, you are consenting for your name to be shared with other attendees, unless you opt out. (Please email to opt out).

Friday 26 April 2024 Start 13:00 Ends 15:00




HideOut Youth Zone, 1 Queens Avenue, Manchester, M12 5PX

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