Founder & CEO
When I founded ANTZ in 2011 it was with a vision that very few could grasp. How can you make a profit and help people? Well we've proved you can.
I lead the direction of ANTZ and strategic projects but as the team will tell you, I’m hands-on too.
When I was young I wanted to be a bus conductor, so I could take money from the people who could afford it and decide who could go for free.
Maybe I had a vision of everyone being sat together and united even back then.
Operations & Marketing Director
I’m operations and marketing director so I make sure things move smoothly in the business and we’re correctly conveying what we’re about in our marketing.
I like challenging myself so I’ve done parachute jumps, sky dives, and even white collar boxing. Unfortunately I was too tall to do wing walking.
If I had a super-power I would slow down time. Life passes far too quickly, and I’ve so much to do!
Partnership and Services Manager
I look after partnerships within the ANTZ network. I talk to like-minded organisations that want to develop their social purpose so they can grow commercially and give back something to society too.
I was crazy enough to take part in the Pepsi Max Extreme Sports day event – I jumped 150 feet off a crane into a safety net but it was worth it as we raised over £5,000 for a local children’s charity.
Account Director
I'm the account director which means I work with lots of different parts of ANTZ and external clients to drive impact.
In my role, I keep lots of people happy and focused through stakeholder management and project management.
My guilty pleasure is the Spice Girls – I love a bit of girl power!
If I had a super-power I’d have the ability to travel quickly – think of a destination, close my eyes, and I’d be there.
Support Lead
I have various roles at ANTZ, but what takes up most of my time is project support.
I help the rest of the ANTZ team so they can concentrate on what they do best.
The most daring thing I’ve ever done is to abseil off a bridge, as part of an adventure holiday while I was at school. The idea was to overcome my fear of falling from height (unsuccessfully).
I engage with organisations in the Netherlands to promote and support the ANTZ way of doing business and helping people in society.
I'm also Chair of the IoD in the Netherlands.
Our family motto is ‘never give up’, which ties in very well with ANTZ.
If I were to win the lottery I would do voluntary work in different parts of the world.
Internal Operations Director
I’m Debra the director of internal operation at ANTZ. I look after HR and back-office support. The glue at ANTZ
I’m Jo and I’m a business buddy at ANTZ. In terms of what that means, I mentor candidates in roles they are already doing.
The aim is to make sure it’s a success for them and the employer too.
If I had a super-power, it would have to be the ability to fly. Having done a skydive myself, it’s such an adrenaline rush, there’s nothing else like it.
Project Facilitator
I'm a Project Facilitator for ANTZ. This role has given me the opportunity to do what I love and that is simply to help people.
My favourite book has to be 'Tuesdays With Morrie’ - it's full of incredible life lessons. I think the one that resonates the most is 'there is no such thing as too late in life’. No matter what the starting point, it's always possible to turn things around, and my role is to help people to do that.
Project Facilitator
I’m a Project Facilitator, this role has given me the opportunity to hone new skills in the development of individuals.
My previous background of 34 years in the aviation industry has given me the tools to keep my feet now firmly on the ground to help and develop opportunities for others.
My all-time classic book is ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ by Harper Lee
“You never really understand a person
Until you consider things from his point of view…
Until you climb into his skin and walk around in it”
I hope and look forward to helping others find a new path."
Innovation Driving Change in Community Director
When we founded ANTZ we had a vision that few could grasp.
Proud to see the impact we drive every single day.
I love to cook and this enables me to relax.
I also enjoy being a mum, and am proud to be driving cultural shift, and help creating an alternative way for our children’s future.
Communications Consultant
I provide strategic communications support and assistance with media relations, corporate engagement, and political communications.
Love music (grew up in the Britpop era)
Favourite song lyric - Liam Gallagher – Once:
"But oh, I remember how you used to shine, back then
You went down so easy like a glass of wine, my friend
When the dawn came up you felt so inspired to do it again
But it turns out you only get to do it once"
Project Facilitator
This role has given me the opportunity to work in a new field within the community. My background in Psychology and Psychological Research has aided me in understanding and helping those with complex needs.
Project Facilitator
I have been a Secondary School teacher for over 30 years with pastoral responsibilities which have focussed on inclusion.
Additional responsibilities have included quality assurance of alternative provision qualifications.